Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

Stenhouse Medical Centre is keen to ensure that local people are actively involved in deciding how the health services they use should be developed. To provide patients with an opportunity to express their views, we have set up a Patient Participation Group (PPG). The PPG consists of up to 12 members who are selected from a cross section of existing Stenhouse patients, doctors and practice staff. The aim of the group is to give patients, GPs and practice staff an opportunity to meet, to exchange ideas and information, and then take action.

As a patient of Stenhouse Medical Centre you are eligible to apply to become a member of the PPG by forwarding you name to the Practice Manager. New members will be invited to join the group when vacancies arise. When selecting new members the PPG will aim to reflect the diversity of patients registered at Stenhouse.

Meetings are held on a regular basis throughout the year and are chaired by a patient member of the PPG. To help process information in a more efficient manner it is desirable that new members have access to the internet.

If you have any suggestions that may help improve health services, or have any concerns over existing services or facilities, please contact a member of the Stenhouse practice staff. You may also complete a suggestion form that can be found in the entrance/reception area

PPG Minutes

Virtual Group

The virtual group comprises of patients who are unable to attend the PPG meetings but have agreed to be contacted by email to obtain their opinions on any aspect of health care at the surgery.  Feedback from the virtual group members is always valued and welcomed.

Interested in getting involved?

Anyone and everyone is welcome to take part in the group, as long as you are registered at the surgery and interested in working together to make positive changes for the practice and its patients.

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email please click the image opposite to open the sign-up form and complete all the fields.

PPG Sign Up

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?